Those of you who follow our social media or come by the store often have likely met Fleur, our loyal and silly shop pup who roams LF scrounging for tasty crumbs off the ground.
Although she's a perpetually happy sleep monster, life wasn't always so easy for little Fleur Bear. Our pocket pitty was once a homeless stray surviving the gritty streets of LA, that is until, Eldad and Lisa from Hope For Paws stepped in. They hit the streets and found her in an industrial area, and through their hard work Fleur eventually found her forever home with us at LF.
Chillin at Central Park with Moms and Pops
We were thrilled to have Eldad and Lisa pay us a visit at LF for a slobbery, dog-kiss filled reunion with Fleur. Here she is below expressing her heartfelt gratitude to Eldad and LIsa the best way she knows how --
If you'd like your heart to burst with warm fuzzy fireworks and purple confetti (in honor of Fleur's favorite artist Prince, of course), we welcome you to watch Eldad and Lisa's dramatic rescue video of Fleur below. Apparently with over a million views Fleur's quite the YouTube celebrity and even though she's come a long way, the essence of who she is, our sweet little scaredy cat who's literally scared of cats, still shines through.
Thank you again Eldad and Lisa, you've changed our lives for the better and we're pretty sure Fleur thinks so too.
LF -- If you would like to support Hope For Paws you can donate directly to their cause here.