Hello Whittier Locals! Welcome to the 2nd installment of our free coffee education. If you missed the in-store demonstration with Anthony (or if you were there and want to see it all written out!) here's a great breakdown of his process of how to make cold brew at home:
- Large Container to brew in (plastic or glass)
- Coffee Beans (of your choice)
- Scale
- Cheesecloth
- Calculator
- Wood Spoon
- Timer
- Coffee Grinder
- Water (room temperature, purified)
- The standard ratio for Cold Brew is 1 part coffee to 5 parts water (1:5)
- No heat is added to the coffee, resulting in: lower acidity, less oils, less lipids & sugars broken down
- Coarse grind size for longer extraction time
- Cold brew can take up to 24 hrs. depending on your taste preference and the coffee you use.
- Cold brew can take up to 24 hrs. depending on your taste preference and the coffee you use.
- You are about to make a concentrate, feel free to add water and milk to your liking.
- What’s the difference/Is there any difference?
+COLD BREW refers to the process in which NO HEAT is added to the coffee grounds during the brewing process which results in such a long brewing time (12-24 hrs.)
+ICED COFFEE refers to adding ice to any previous existing process or method for brewing HOT COFFEE (ex. iced Pour over).
1. Weigh out beans and grind coarsely (scale and timers come in handy)
2. Dump grounds into the large plastic container
3. Measure/weigh out the appropriate amount of room temperature water (follow the 1:5 ratio)
4. Slowly pour the water in to the coffee grounds in a large circular motion, making sure to saturate all of the grounds. (use a wooden spoon to stir/agitate if necessary).
2. Dump grounds into the large plastic container
3. Measure/weigh out the appropriate amount of room temperature water (follow the 1:5 ratio)
4. Slowly pour the water in to the coffee grounds in a large circular motion, making sure to saturate all of the grounds. (use a wooden spoon to stir/agitate if necessary).
5. Cover the container with saran wrap or a lid
6. Let the mixture steep for 12-24 hrs (depending on preference) awayfrom fluctuating temperature. 7. The longer you give the coffee to brew, the more that is extracted from the beans, resulting in a more ‘bold’ cold brew the longer you wait.
8. Strain using a cheesecloth/paper filter/ Filtron Brewing System
9. Store cold brew can be stored for up to two weeks in your fridge, bust it out for a nice pick me up.
10. Enjoy
8. Strain using a cheesecloth/paper filter/ Filtron Brewing System
9. Store cold brew can be stored for up to two weeks in your fridge, bust it out for a nice pick me up.
10. Enjoy
Questions? Feel free to stop by the coffee bar anytime and chat with Anthony.